Designer of the Month - Design Tip
Every inch matters in your work place. The working height of your shampoo bowls and styling chairs make a big difference in how comfortable you will be while working in the salon 8+ hours a day. Takara Belmont offers many solutions for different applications. Our standard hydraulic bases have an 8" lift. We also offer a 6" lift base which goes 2 inches lower for our shorter stylists. This 2" is critical when you consider holding your arms up 2 inches higher for many hours a day. The best option is the Hilox motorized base which can be used on any of our styling chairs. This amazing base gives your chairs a 12" lift starting at about 14" and topping out at a whopping 26" high for our taller stylist. All with a touch of a foot pedal. We are just scratching the surface of sizing options available to you. So please, consult your local Takara Belmont rep on any purchases, to find out what options are best for you!
Designer of the Month - March
Jeff Holmes - Regional Manager - CBS Territories & North Carolina Showroom
Click here to learn more about Jeff and all of our designers.